Archive | January, 2009

3 Months, Lipstick Mustache, Old Toy

31 Jan

Rynn is three months old!  She’s so wonderful…just a smiley, happy baby who fits right in.  We can’t imagine what our family was like without her!


Reece got into some lipstick this week…


Reece says, “I sure did miss this toy.  I’m so glad my mom brought it back out.”



27 Jan



25 Jan

I was tagged by my sweet friend Christa on a fun picture game.

Here is what you do:

1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.
2. Select your 4th picture (no exceptions)!
3. Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger.
4. Tag 4 people (or as many as you want) to do the same!!


February 2008…Reece is being silly while Mom folds clothes.

Wayland, Brittany, Holley, and Jennifer R…tag, you’re it!

Update & Challenge, Tummy Time, and Birthday Wishes

17 Jan

Update on my nephew, Philip:

For those of you who have been praying for my nephew, thank you! He’s actually doing quite well. He takes the shots and finger pricks like a champ! I think it’s Momma who is feeling most of the stress of his diagnosis at this time. From the carb counting and revised method of cooking, to sending her son to school and trusting all of his teachers, the school nurse, etc., plus just finding a “new normal” in the midst of the worry she has over her son’s health…it’s just really hard! Good thing she’s a godly woman who puts her faith in God and trusts that He knows what is best for their family. Please continue praying for them!


Philip will be the big 1-0 on Monday! When I asked him what he’d like for his birthday, he said he just wants people to donate to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to help find a cure for juvenile diabetes. I thought it’d be fun to put forth a challenge to anyone who reads this blog. So………..

If YOU have diabetes, I’m asking you to donate $50 to help find a cure.

If someone in your FAMILY has diabetes, I’m asking you to donate $30.

If you have a FRIEND with diabetes, I’m asking you to donate $20

Or, if you just want to donate just ’cause, please follow this link to do so…

Philip has also started a blog to journal his life with diabetes:

Nathanael has started a blog too. Check out this awesome writer at…

Tummy Time:

The sweetest/happiest baby in the world works on tummy time:


Happy 29th Birthday to Scott! We celebrated with several friends and crazy amounts of fun at a local dueling piano bar. Good times!