Archive | October, 2010

Fall in Pictures

6 Oct

I’m back for my quarterly post…enjoy!

Tech Football began…and Reece went with us to the first game!
She also felt the need to wear my sunglasses during the game.
Reece and Rynn began “school,” where they go twice a week. Reece has reviewed all of her shapes, and has learned where her bicep, tricep, and (most importantly) her gluteus maximus are located. Her class began letters today.  This pic was taken the first day.
Reece’s class went on their first field trip…to the apple orchard.
This could quite possibly have been my apple eatin’ little girl’s…
…most favorite day of the whole year.
We met the cutest little baby pig at the fair.
Rynn couldn’t get over the piggy’s cuteness (and I can’t get over Rynn’s cuteness).
Rynn (not so gently) got to pet a duckling…
…while Reece (very gently) held a little chick.
Rynn had her first taste of cotton candy when big sister shared her treat.
Staying at the stroller with Daddy was not an option for little Miss Rynn, who stepped right up to the ride like she owned the thing. 🙂
Reece peeking between Ady and Mr. Clinton.  Not sure which was more challenging: me taking both girls on the ride and balancing myself between them while it moved surprisingly fast, or Scott trying to capture a picture of all three girls as we were whizzing by.